Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Social Media_ratings

Amazon Kindle fire HD: This Product seems to have been recieved well by the public they see it as an improve ment and are very happy. it got mostly high scores and good reviews from consumers. This seems to show what the company wants which is improvement in there products so they seem to be doing very well.

Social Media_mktg campaigns

Marketing campaigns are very important to the success of a product, if its not marketed right people wont become interested and you wont get sales.
Paid Media: Media you pay to show to the public on things like T.V. and the radio.
Owned Media: Things that you dont pay for but help advertise your product.
Earned Media: Is things like getting in the new for doing something good, or bad.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Social Media-Personal Privacy

Blog #2
I found connections to all the social media site i use on google, I figured this is what i would find. It could effect me if i happen to post some some what Inappropriate things they could find this and it could effect me negativly. I could just make my profile private, but then whats the point of "social media."
Blog #1
I use social media through Facebook,Youtube, and Twitter and im effected by instagram, Vine (Video website) and many other socialmedia websites. This is because they are connected to the social media websites i use. It seems that if you use these social media sites you will be effected by many other sites all they have to do is gain your interest, then your on there site. It seems like i get interested in new social media sites because its something new and everybody wants new. Social media has to be one of the biggest places to advertise in todays modern world. It gives people the ability to interact and look at what they want to see, not just whats shown to them.
